Breaking Generations of Normality

Gabriel Phelps
8 min readNov 24, 2018


My beautiful friends, today I would like to talk about the intelligence within the human vessel. I would like to go into the depths of its capability to unlocking the crux of the matter — authenticity for all.

I would like to recount some experiences I have had recently, but first I would like all of us to travel to place we have been many times. A place on the job, traveling, or meandering through various public places, where the typical experience is bid for an isolated similarity. This is what I call sameness.

We all know the conversations that don’t create much meaning in our lives, and for most of us, its in these places that we find them, but these places can also be spaces for the exact opposite. So whether it’s the weather we are speaking about, whether it’s about how fine or good we are when someone asks how are you, many of us forget that these inquiries hold a much deeper potential to revealing a different walk of life.

Many of us can relate to everyday life being equated by the typical portrayal of zombies walking around or robots, just doing what they are told to do or doing nothing about what truly matters. What I would like give a glimpse of what is possible in these situations is in fact a totally different experience when in the environment of most people.

There are subtle pressures from within our own psychology and from within others, that add up together to create a force that usually over stimulates most people into not even thinking about it is possible to create a totally new conversation, or to fear possible ridicule from others of speaking in a weird way and not making sense.

I for my own self have had to go through this process, and still go through it to this day. Sometimes I stutter, sometimes I say the pronunciation of the words wrong, and then there are times where I put words together that kind logically make no sense together. In a moment like that, many individuals are very prone to guilt tripping themselves into not doing something like that again.

People who are interacting with us can be very vulgar by using supposed “errors” of being a human against us easily, if we are not aware that being imperfect is part of who we are and how we learn to grow. But especially when if someone is to say something different which I will get into on the how, there is a definite added pressure as I said before that can almost make us feel like we are the crazy ones.

This is a collective force put together by all people who are not seeking alternatives to the current social conditioning. It is a very powerful force I might add indeed, but I would go as far to say that there is a greater force, and I can attest to this because in the midst of hundreds of people in a church or in a cloister of people on the bus or in the face of many people applying for government assistance in a room, I have stood up.

These times that I have stood up, at a great intensity of almost feeling like I am dying, at least my sense of what is real and who I am dying, and I have felt extreme amounts of joy. A whirling rush of love one may say to recognize everyone around me as a greater part of my own self. This may cause many people to stop reading this message, but I don’t think there is anything more important in this world, than recognizing how beautifully connected and equal each person is to ourselves. Rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, old or young, black or white, there is nothing like experiencing our diversity as a one unified group of people with like intentions down to the core of our hearts.

So I realize I may have said some things just now that may have caused some to question me, but I tell you to question me. It is important that we take no one as any ultimate director to concluding any problems that may be spoken about. I myself included.

So my friends, there is a lot happening in this world, much of this happening is revolved around slavery not just on physical levels but also on mental levels. To even a greater degree, there is a deeper manipulation going on so subtle, that most people don’t even think they are slaves. One example of slavery is the financial inflation which is a form of tax that remains hidden because of unregistered monetary transactions. Causing more people to work more for less to buy.

Here in America many would find it not so bad, but I inquire you to look at the rising statistics revolving poverty and homelessness here in America. Even that though, even we don’t think these conditions are bad, we can take a look at other parts of the world, some of the countries just below America, Africa, southern parts of Europe, China, India, South-East and many parts of Asia. Compare some of the living conditions here with what we have and maybe some more gratitude may fill our cup.

So my friends, I am not here to instill fear or controlled responsibility, for each person is entitled to take action based on how they uniquely see the world. The fact of the matter is, most people are not even looking at the world at large, and this means there is a desensitization process happening within the affluent nations. Many of us are already aware of how this manipulation is taking place, and this can be used as cannon fodder for what we can potentially say in the face of others. To not convince them, but give them an opportunity to see differently.

Another important note I would like to remark, is that I am not a pessimist. I do not use fear and factual negative conditions to push people into taking action. You may have felt like what I am saying is not true, but let me speak on what optimism means to me.

Optimism is about knowing the power of one person. I have written a message about this, but now that science has discovered that to the core of every human being, even matter, lays a quantum field that connects all life. It is important to share what the capabilities are of just one person speaking out. How a ripple and domino effect could take place across the world from just one person. This is not to say that all it takes is one attempt for the world to change into a happy ever after, but by one continuing to stand for the many who are practically asleep, that perhaps some will also stand up.

You know, when I have gone out speaking in different areas in the public sector, I felt a difference in what just speaking does. A difference that I strongly believe touches people emotionally. People may not understand exactly what I am saying in their mind but they be saying: “this guy has really got some guts to be sharing in the way he is, what is it that is inspiring him to do this, what is his vision?”

And from one thought of this possibility, could start a whole new wave of outcomes to speaking out in ways that may not necessarily be from the voice. There are many ways of using our creative talents to planting seeds of hope and possibility in people’s hearts. The power of the voice is special in that I would say it is the number one method of communicating ideas and our sense of identity beyond any others.

I have recently thought about speaking in a restaurant, I was with my friend whom I would say is very complex psychologically and I have certain ties to my self-image being with him, so I chose not to speak out. But why am I so adamant on speaking out when things are kind of fine the way they are? Because I am saying they are not fine unless we the people would like blood on our hands. What do I mean? History tends to repeat itself, and if we look at violent revolutions, there was usually a tension and separation between the people and a few.

Unless a sufficient number of people begin to put on their hats of creativity or something, allowing more people to see there is another way to work together rather than by giving a few, power over the many, then people will most likely turn to a sense of rage because they did not have the vision this would happen through their ignorance in everyday life and conversations being the reality.

So I understand I may be all over the place, but all of us are just as capable as me to attuning to the times, to the critical point in which why we in affluent nations are given so much, to why else would it be in our power to help eradicate the rest of the two thirds of the worlds poverty, tyranny, and elitism. For unless America, Europe, and other places of affluence become the servant of all, they surely will become the exact places that need serving the most. That is how not only history works, but the laws of the cosmos as well. Where are my credentials though?

For those who are seeking proof, degrees, and sentences to guarantee my high level of intelligence, I ask you to listen one last time, why would I spend all this time sharing about a vision that is exactly what I have experienced that few dare to choose, when over and over again it has been proven that if we approach problems in the world with the same state of behavior that created it, could it not be possible that a different approach can hold more validity rather than expecting rotten money, leaders, and institutions to save the day?

My beautiful, beautiful friends, I rest my case. And if today is not the best day to share the words or thing that many people are scared to experience because they would have to take responsibility to their lives and how their nation affects the world, then I would say the better it is that today is best.

Many people like to toss around love being the solution to all problems, and in reality it is, but people don’t realize that love is always comfortable and gentle. You will see if it is for you to be a non-violent revolutionary in this world, there is a very intense energy that you will have to integrate into your being, your psychology, which may take some soul searching, but I for one can tell you that anyone can do it, for I have the same keys to Freedom just as anyone else. It is not in any college degree, amount of money, or the amount of women you sleep with. It will always be MORE, and MORE especially within You, not without.

We are one team here, everything we do helps all of us. That is why it is so special we have many options to shatter the rule of thumb to conformity. I wish you all many blessings, and am ready for your turn to say hey! Something needs to change! Even if you are halfway around the world, for in the Spirit of Humanity, we are together.




Gabriel Phelps
Gabriel Phelps

Written by Gabriel Phelps

Shock-trooper of the perceptional revolution / Arsonist of ideological narcissism | How can we laugh in times of eerie elitism? /

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