Life is Meaningless & Why that’s Beautiful
Finding a purpose is only an end to a new beginning
I guess I should start out by saying that I am not justifying any harm to oneself or others through the title or body of this story. It can be easy for people who are psychologically fragmented to take statements so literally in accordance with their own circumstance that they think there is only one way to look at life.
So everyone…. I would like to just acknowledge you and your journey no matter where you are with some acceptance. From what I have gained along mine, I have learned that it’s ok to believe whatever we believe, but I have also learned that each belief has a countdown. No matter how positive or beautiful or validated your belief system is, each belief system has it’s own countdown. This countdown can be suspended or delayed for various period of time depending on how many people are drawn into believing it. For those who are not so quick to escape whatever the belief may be, will eventually be recycled by life’s own way of recycling the biological carbon foot-print of anything that has life.
As I do continue to study eastern religious and philosophical teachings throughout my life, I have been kept in check to learning to let go of whatever my outlook on life was. But lately I will say that I have been drawn out of balance with the notion that I can be a self-sufficient individual not relying on big business to stay alive. Whether I can or I can’t does not really matter in this situation because I have been creating a type of psychosis within myself by aggravating mental battles of analytical double-dutch to intellectually win this battle.
I was recently told by someone who I do look up to that it doesn’t matter what happens in the end, but for you not knowing who this someone is, I can realize there is a little bit of a trust barrier to considering what I have to say about this whole story. But this person’s take was that we are a grain of sand along an infinite beach and that each person or society will eventually learn its faults kind of like how we have been gradually increasing our awareness of who we are as a race. Certainly there have been major faults along the way especially in recent times, but the average person does know more about the general mechanics and behaviors of human relations than in the past.
How Do I Decide What Matters?
Well there is really no ultimate way but I also would not say it would be wrong if you saw there was a way better than others, but to say better than all others is a bright red flag for danger. So even though my friend said what he said, it doesn’t mean suffering is going to go away, it doesn’t mean anybody will have less suffering really unless the people listening are quite attached to a meaningful life.
A meaningful life can be explained by anyone who may be having a good time with regular conflicts that anyone might have, but are quite certain and fixed that their life is dependent on this thing called happiness, success, or status. Someone might say “why are trying to attack people who are just trying to have a nice personal life who aren’t trying to harm anyone?” I am not actually attacking anyone but rather putting a spotlight on an idea. The idea that one cannot have interesting experiences without believing in some system of belief which is what the pursuit of happiness is. Now don’t get me wrong, because this isn’t wrong, I just don’t think people understand the totality of how belief systems work? “Aren’t you just regurgitating what is your belief system though?” HELL YEA!
But not exactly….. (interesting music starts playing), because it is very well possible for someone to discuss an idea while actually being ok with perceiving that there might be another idea beyond this…. beyond meaninglessness. Does that mean I might see there could be meaning in life after all?!
So many of us have seen this symbol before and what some of us forget about life is that it is a constant swirling of balancing forces that we might say can get a bit out of hand, but what is out of hand? That is the idea that something has gone wrong possibly by a variable that has tampered with the overall system of balancing forces to the degree that something needs to be fixed.
Now don’t get me wrong, it isn’t wrong to express yourself in however you see fit, but most people don’t know the mathematics of reality games we play with each other. One of the most prevelant is how we think we can change or convince evil ideas or people to be or do good by forcing upon them our belief is quite hypocritical. When ever force is applied to the transactions of ideas, even warfare and violence, there is an intense submersion of beliefs involved that often both sides go through. I won’t tire you by going through all the ins and outs of this charade.
Are all conversations a battle of beliefs?
Naturally when people engage in small talk, it seems that both sides do quite well because no one was seriously injured psychologically or phsyically. But when small talk takes place there is often a refusal to confront the various 500lb gorillas in the room. I love small talk by the way, don’t get me wrong, but I often tend to balance my conversations with some interest on both sides of the equation. I may not do well every time, because certainly I don’t do this every time with every person, but I do try to measure that as my time passes by throughout my life, I try to find ways to communicate how there are unresolved ideas that could be replaced by something better beyond even what I can picture.
Now I may have lost most of you at this point and that is fine, because often this type of subject doesn’t seem relatable to everyday life and the struggles we often deal with, but what is a struggle evidently? It is the resistance that there could be another way to look at life instead of this being your only life and that capitalism is the end result of society, and there is nothing really you can do to significantly change it are some of the biggest roadblocks to how we approach our life and those around us.
Some of the others revolve around global warming, exploitation, and overpopulation. I know many of these are used in cohesion with some of the above obstacles we go through, but for the most part….. ( I am finding out that I messed up writing what I wanted to say at this point….. lets see if I can chop wood here…. wish me luck….. really…. even though you are in my future reading this in my present…. it could work that your wish influences the quantum wavelengths to how this is going to go :D .
So… lets try this again, there are certain ideas going around now that seem epically existential to our survival and exploitation doesn’t really seem like one of them with those other two I listed above. It seems exploitation can continue to go on unless we are also talking about the exploitation of resources but you cannot have the exploitation of resources without the exploitation of people, narcissism really doesn’t work any other way. But all I want to say is that these beliefs are often used as scapegoats to avoid the deeper issue that suppresses new technology and new international relationships from progressing past elitism.
“The End is Near” — says mr and mrs. belief
Though this is correct in some fashion that I will be trying to end this article shortly, I might also say that the end is not even close to being near because in truth, there is actually no real ending… “but that’s not practical because global warming and overpopulation are a looming threat that science has proven we have only so many few years left.” In every era there will always be some presitigeous compartment of soceity that needs to use fear to get people to obey some foundational beleif system and what has science offered us all these years? Sure some interesting mechanics and health benefits, but nothing close to anything empathetic to world poverty and exposing narcissistic personality disorder.
People don’t understand that everything changes when our perceptions begin to be more fluid with psycho-spiritual dyanmics: the paradigm of infusing mystical and scientific approaches to human identity and societal advancements. As people begin to see that there are other ways to look at the world, we will find that the world looks different for those of us, and so much, that we will begin to see how the mind does have a major contributory factor to having manipulative qualities over the material plane.
And so as I conclude this long and boring tirade on my desire to create a new world order with j Biebs, swifty, and mr west, I do wish to say that we in the foreseeable future can come to the understanding that this world can sustain ten billion people with a higher than satifactory standard of living. That even if the ice caps melt the world will not actually get more hot but rather the magnetic poles will loosen the friction that tilts the earth on the axis which is currently unstable and generating massive extreme environmental shifts.
So in conclusion, yes fossil fuels isn’t working and creating holes in the ozone layer does also effect pollution and some of the melting caps which will cause us to desperately move to a new energy source especially because there is only a limited amout. (can all my pirates out there give me a good ARRrrrrrrrrrrr?!) Thanks… So with this oh so sweet happy ending, I would just like to say the environmental trasition will take place the faster we transistion out of exploitation, but don’t be fooled by the movie 2012 or those depicting of a mass amradgetton. Learn the magnitudes of new studies and teachings coming out and always measure them with a grain of salt.
My fellow Comrades of the Mother Cosmos! Remember the meaning of life doesn’t have to be remembered for meaning to continue! For the yang will always find its way back to the yin and the yin is not to be shamed for its purpose of knowing both sides are needed to fuel the fire of what you and I are all here for….. or not here for… so then…. it’s time for blastoff Houston, we are ready for launch!