The Biggest Joke: Networking

The conveyor belt where disagreeing is outlawed

Gabriel Phelps
5 min readJul 10, 2021
monkey, sapien, sapien crown, tophat man, sharebutton man

Let’s just broadcast on linkedin who can blindly submit to the most robotic tasks to further increase capital gains for shareholder value, what a great idea!

You go to various user profiles on linkedin and you will find all sorts of proffesional perforance measures and achievemtns whether it be a degree or experience and sure thats all great but what about the standard of living going down for most people? What about the mental health surging through the roof? What about the actual tasks that people carry out for food, retail, or even insurance or sales agents? What great goal is being pursued in all the matters?

Well I assume the questions should be obvious as they are rhetorical in nature for those who believe at least they are not the center of the universe, but at least some of you realize what the hell I might be talking about and the utter insanity of all this, yet the machine keeps turning.

So many seminars, conferences, summits, and marketing events are shrouded in perfectionism intellectualism, dealing with popularity for those who have had the largest returns on whatever investment or strategy they have carried out for their company. Everyone puts on their happy face, listens to the superhero god on the stage, and celebrates by vowing to say not one word of the destructive intent of capitalism.

You join a group to perhaps have some conversation about the unreality of this whole thing on social media, and you are met with absurd amounts of spam and self-promotional links to futher the cause of hyper-focused individualism. You go out to an event to hear a lineup of speakers leaving a few moments at the end for some discussion only to give people the unsatisfied taste of a rotten apple.

But you apply yourself and fill out a form and perhaps try to get in the spotlight but either your former experinece isn’t spectacular enough or your beliefs about feudal-profiteering doesn’t comply with the majority of attendees to the event. But there are a lucky few who do end up getting gigs and I only admire their devotion to try somehow somewhat to get inside.

Are we just going to get churned out?

Well, probably, especially if your are rooting for the greater cause of the greatest good for the greatest number of people. But throughout time various individuals have been able to make it through the ringer, through the chambers and hallways of dressed up suits with hollow masks. It may certainly not be for you, but let me tell you if you feel in some way shredded by this megalomaniac machine, you have a story to tell.

I don’t care if it’s on linkedin or your personal Facebook page, people are needing to hear the fact that not everyone is a robot in this survival of the most ruthless society. The way to make a living today has steeped down numerous levels to only shallow the possibility of a new world being born from the groundhog day that suggests it couldn’t be possible.

People might say you could lose your contract with a firm or agency but who on earth would want to keep a contract to camoflauged exploitation through exectuive strategies that further consumer satisfaction. This whole lexicon of language in this cyber-capital world is truly isane. The regard for empathy for the struggling of others is seen as a flaw and even threat to possible quarterly quotas insuring stability in the company.

A new day is here for us who believe there is another side of life, to reassure our fellow humans who come into our interaction zone to see there is a new model to base profit and ironically it’s not monetary as much as we may want the new condo or gadet to impress another false relationship with spectacle. As I used to ride the bus and speak publicly to everyone on it about the failures of our time, you have the most explicit right to speak out in your own way — and the online world isn’t leaving for you to hide yourself.

Carpe diem — Seize the Day!

Whether your mind is telling you that homeless might be the result of focusing on what explodes your heart into a million stars or how everyone will give up on you if you are naive enough to think they will support you if you can’t support yourself, forget all of it!

Others out there are brooding for your blood of soulfulness to institute the conception that life may have some meaning afterall. Others are actually literally dying, incuring organ disfunctions, incuring psycholgocial disfunction, incuring the natural love to reach out to another human being is dwindling. But what is written on your heart cares not what the laws of the land are, for it will twist and turn through the concreted illusions man has built.

Others will support you but you cant work your way from the shallow end, for you will be raptured up by the gatekeepers of intellecutal know-it-alls scorning your emotional reserves into ash. But if you dive into the deep end, even not knowing how to swim, you will have poked the bear that you are most assuredly not supposed to poke. And when you do that it will eat you alive no doubt, but when you get spat out you will have a story to tell. You will have direct evidence at a testimony that none others can speak on.

For I volunteered to be homeless for one day and have one of the worst memories of my life at my side to remind me of what is actually going on beyond the minimalized corporate routine of kind and simple gurilla tactics that always take their toll. So I know what I may be saying could sound horrifying absolutely, and I am not saying that you are to become homeless, but as the old american patrick henry said:

Give me Liberty or give me Death

I salute anyone who has read this to consider the fact that there is a unique gift, a unique art that you have the capacity to offer those who have taken the blue pill or for other words the popular way out. But we are those who are not looking for a way out but who are finnally convinced we want a way in to life not corportised submission.



Gabriel Phelps
Gabriel Phelps

Written by Gabriel Phelps

Shock-trooper of the perceptional revolution / Arsonist of ideological narcissism | How can we laugh in times of eerie elitism? /

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